Internet Accelerators for Android

Browse the Internet from your Android smartphone or tablet at higher speed thanks to these Internet accelerator apps that you can download to your mobile

Internet Booster 4.6.1 English

Speed up your Internet connection

Samsung Max VPN 4.7.68 English

Reduce your smartphone data consumption

Faster Internet 2X 2.0 English

Faster data access speed

ExitLag 3.3.5 English
ExitLag 3.3.5

App to optimize the connection when playing online games

Internet Accelerator 1.0 English

Speed up your connection

Quick Internet Speed Booster 2.0 English

Internet Accelerator for Android

Net Optimizer 1381-1r English
Net Optimizer 1381-1r

Find and connect to the fastest DNS server

Download Accelerator Plus 20211021 English

App to download files faster and save data