Dictionaries and Translation Applications for Android
Download dictionaries and translation applications if you're having trouble getting to know the meaning of a word or saying something in a foreign language

Google’s voice and text translator

Translate, look up the meaning of words, and find synonyms and antonyms

The most important English dictionary

The translator that can beat Google

AI-powered tool for translating videos

Translate everything you see on your mobile screen with one touch

A translator for apps

Powerful online dictionary including 90 languages

Automatic translation in several languages

Amazon's machine translator

Translate 100 languages

Translate videos into other languages

Microsoft's translation tool

Translate texts on the screen

Digital translator with more than 100 languages

Comprehensive dictionary to improve your English

French dictionary that you can check offline

Versatile translator for 66 languages

The prestigious dictionary's official app

Translation app for multiple languages

Carry a comprehensive dictionary and translator in your pocket

Nine translation functions

Offline Spanish-English dictionary for Android

Keyboard with built-in instant translator and other surprises

Text and audio translator for people and pets

Convenient English-Arabic dictionary for smartphones

Language dictionary with hundreds of languages

English-Chine-Japanese dictionary in digital version

Translation app for Android smartphones

Two-in-one translator and VPN

The app that translates all texts on your device's screen

Translator and photo image identifier

A handy automatic translator with speech recognition functions

Automatic translator for mobiles with over 100 languages and VPN

Automatic translator for text, audio, photos, and web pages

Free instant translator for Android

Automatic translator for mobile phones

Automatic translation with the phone camera

Complete Spanish and English dictionary

Translate any text with the help of your mobile

An app for fluid language learning

Translator to more than 100 languages

Manage dictionaries in different languages

Translate voice and text between over 60 languages

Translator and dictionary for Android

Real-time translation and augmented reality

Use your phone to translate any text that you see

An easy-to-use tool to learn languages

Language translator with additional tools

Translator and image identifier, all-in-one

Automatic translator in more than 30 languages

Translates text, voice, image, and even animals

German dictionary to learn this language

Comprehensive language dictionary and translator

Fast and easy-to-use language translator for Android

A simple English-Spanish translator

Translate from Catalan to other languages

Card-based application to learn how to read

Dictionary and translator between Hindi and English

Spanish dictionary for Android

Translator capable of working offline