The best text-to-speech apps on Android
Transform any text into audio to be able to listen to it out loud on your mobile device thanks to the best text-to-speech apps for Android mobile phones. Turn any text into an MP3 file to share or listen to it instantly as if spoken aloud by a human voice.

The tool for visually impaired Android users

Practical tool to read texts out loud

The Google text-to-speech application

Application to convert text to audio

Create text notes by dictating

The best TTS engine for Android

Create all kinds of voices

Voice-activated word processing

Text-to-speech app with Loquendo sound

The app that reads for you

App to read text out loud in several languages

Press a button and dictate your voice

An app for the deaf or with hearing problems

Speech-to-text app to transcribe voice messages

Interesting webs and emails read out loud