As you progress far enough in your Minecraft adventure, you will want to expand your horizons of crafting recipes to have a good handful of ideas to create on your crafting table. This time, we tell you all about making paper in Minecraft, both its usefulness and its step-by-step crafting method. It is very simple, so try it.
How to craft paper in Minecraft
To craft paper, we have to think about how they did it in the past, with the few materials they had available, and so we start looking for sugar cane to process it and thus get the wanted sheets. To find this kind of vegetation, you have to look for blocks of sand, soil, and sometimes, grass near the water.

There is no foolproof formula for finding sugarcane, as the world is always randomly generated. Therefore, you have to explore and walk around until you find it and pick it up by hitting it with your empty fist, just like any other plant.

Once you have sugar cane in your inventory, go to a nearby crafting table and place three units horizontally in a row to get up to 3 sheets of paper. You can repeat the process as many times as you want until you have enough paper for the recipe in question (for example, to create a map, you need 8 pieces).

What is paper used for in Minecraft?
Once you have crafted a few sheets of paper and have them in your inventory, you can start creating more complex recipes, such as books or maps. As for sugar cane used as source material, it is also used to create cakes and potions, so it is a good idea to have a good selection of canes in your storage.