Some messaging apps let the user create a conversation with themselves. Such is the case of Telegram or Signal. However, WhatsApp does not have this function officially in its application. Fortunately, there are several foolproof ways to help you create a chat where only you participate.
How to create a chat with yourself in WhatsApp with the browser
The first method is to use the browser. Tap on the navigation bar and type the following URL:

Obviously, you must replace "number" with your own phone number. You must include the international prefix without the plus (+)symbol. Once you have created the URL correctly, tap the Enter button on your keyboard to start navigation. You will land on a page that will let you start a chat with yourself. Check that you have entered the number correctly and press the button Continue to chat.

WhatsApp will immediately open showing a conversation. This is the chat you should use to send messages to yourself.

How to talk to yourself on WhatsApp using groups
The second way is to create a group with another contact and remove the contact from the group. This way, only you will be left and you will be able to use the group as a private conversation. Do this by tapping on the button to start conversations.

Tap in New group.

Choose a single contact to create the group.

Set the group's name.

With the group already created, it is time to remove the selected contact. Go to the group settings, tap on the user's avatar, and select Remove.

The next time you access the group you have just created, you will have a private conversation with yourself.
How to create a chat with yourself by adding your own phone number as a contact
Finally, we explain how to create a conversation with yourself on WhatsApp by adding your phone number to the address book. Once you have created a contact with your own phone number (including the international prefix), go to WhatsApp and start a new conversation. Open the three dots menu and tap on Contacts.

Select your own contact.

Finally, tap on the Message button located under the WhatsApp icon.

Having a chat with yourself is useful for some specific tasks. For example, you can use the conversation to store private notes or record audio. In the same way, you have other common tools in WhatsApp, such as sending documents, images, or videos. This feature will also help you send files from your computer to your mobile phone and vice versa. Simply select the conversation you created on WhatsApp Web or your phone and upload a file. The document will be available on both devices. Do not forget that if you are performing a backup to Google Drive, everything you send yourself will be included. Thus, it is also a good way to store all kinds of information and keep it safe.