Telegram is a messaging application that is becoming more and more popular. It has a large number of features, including bots, channels, and groups. It also offers privacy and security features, such as allowing you to block other users. Now, you may be wondering if there is a way to find out if someone has blocked you on Telegram. That is precisely the question we are answering here.
How to find out if someone has blocked or deleted you on Telegram
In the next section, we are going to list some hints that will help you find out if another user blocked you on Telegram. However, before proceeding further, we must warn you that none of these hints are definitive. While it is true that when many of them happen at the same time, there is a greater chance that this user has blocked you, this is not always the case.
Messages not delivered

When messages display a single check mark, it means that they have not been delivered. This is a good starting point to become suspicious. However, the impossibility to deliver messages also occurs in these cases:
- The other user has no connection.
- You do not have an Internet connection.
- Your contact uninstalled Telegram.
Their profile photo is not displayed

Profile pictures disappear when someone blocks you on Telegram. Of course, that's not the only reason this might happen. Here are some other reasons:
- The other user disabled people who are not on their contact list from seeing their photo.
- The user deleted their profile picture from their account.
The last time online was a long time ago

Another hint you should consider to find out if someone has blocked you is the last connection message. Usually, when a block has been established, the message "Last time a long time ago" is displayed. However, this message is also displayed if the user has not logged in for a long time.
All messages have been deleted

The last hint (remember, not definitive proof) that you must take into account is deleted messages. In Telegram, it is possible to delete content unilaterally. That is, any of the parties in a conversation can delete the entire conversation. This does not necessarily prove that you have been blocked, but if this happens on top of the other hints mentioned earlier, the chances of being blocked increase.