To remove the sidebar on the right-hand side of Adobe Acrobat Reader, first, open the program and any PDF. If you look at the right side of the screen, you will see the following:

Click on the tab highlighted in the next image:

When you do, you will see that all this information is contracted into a list of icons:

Now, look at the last button on the list. Click on it:

You will see that the sidebar disappears:

This method is effective, but you will have to repeat it every time you open the document and want the bar to be hidden. To make the change permanent each time you reopen it, click on Edit:

Then, click on Preferences in the menu that will appear:

Now, click on Documents in the side panel:

In the window that we will see on screen, check the option Restore last view settings when reopening documents:

And that would be enough. As we have said, this sidebar can be a real nuisance because of the screen space it takes up. The menus are generally useful, but in cases like this, they can become redundant because they are present in several windows of the program.
We take this opportunity to remind you that Adobe Acrobat Reader is one of the best programs available for working with PDF documents that can be found on the market and that it is the standard software for working with this type of file.