Minecraft has been around for over ten years, but new features keep coming to Minecraft in the form of content updates, patches to fix certain details, and so on. Last summer 2021, version 1.17 was released on all platforms where the game is available, bringing several new settings, blocks, and creatures, including goats and axolotls. Here, we focus on finding these axolotls, as well as telling you the way to tame them so that you can keep these colorful and endearing aquatic creatures as pets.
Where are the axolotls and how to find them in survival mode?
First, it should be noted that they are not easy to find, since their natural habitat is the watery depths, something that translates in Minecraft in the blocks located below y:63 as in caves, bubble columns, and other dark areas.

To find them naturally, you will have to be patient and start exploring the deep caves located below level 63, always with the requirement that they are areas with water blocks where axolotls can swim freely (as you can see in the image above).
How to find Axolotls in Minecraft's Creative Mode
This is the easiest method. In order to find Axolotls Eggs or directly in its own cube, just tap on the ellipses that appear on the bottom bar of the screen to access the creative mode menu. Then, select the magnifying glass on the left side of the screen and enter the command "Axolot".

Both the egg and the cube will appear there. Select them to become part of your inventory and equip one or the other (both contain an axolotl) in your hand. After that, just tap on any surface - not in the air - and an adult axolotl of a random color will be born there automatically. As you have infinite eggs because you are in creative mode, you also have infinite axolotls to your liking.

How to tame axolotls in Minecraft
Once you find them, if you want to take them back to your base to keep them as pets, you can keep them in a metal bucket if they are swimming in the water. Below, you will find the recipe for such a bucket, that can be easily created with the use of three iron ingots.

Once you have the bucket built, you place it in your hand (by pressing on its icon in the bottom bar of the inventory) and when you approach the animal, the option to capture it will appear on the screen. Select it and you will have it available inside the bucket so that you can get close to the water area where you want to release it.

On the other hand, their favorite food is tropical fish, so if you have found this type of aquatic creature before and have them stored in another metal bucket, you can use them as an incentive to attract them and feed them when you have them already stored in the pond, pool, or aquatic area of your headquarters. To do so, you have to equip the tropical fish bucket (or the loose tropical fish) in your hand, approach the axolotls, and press the "Feed" button indicated in the image to feed them.

This way, by feeding a pair of axolotls, you will get them to breed and thus have baby axolotls. The best way to know you have done it right is because hearts will appear above their heads, they will approach each other, and soon, a hatchling will come out of them. This is a simple way to expand our family of axolotls without having to look for all of them, with two of them it will be enough to grow many more.