GTA SA or GTA San Andreas hardly needs any introduction. This Rockstar title is the sequel to GTA Vice City and the prequel to Grand Theft Auto III. Set in a fictional city called San Andreas, reminiscent of a mix of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Any excuse is a good one to move around a vast map full of missions and activities that follow one after the other with a story that could be a hit movie or series.
The game was launched at the end of 2004. But time has not passed for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: it has aged like fine wine and is still playable. Although the graphics could be better by today's standards, or the situations you experience in the game seem despicable, that is precisely the main ingredient of the GTA saga.
Below, we have collected the best cheat codes for GTA San Andreas. As usual in Rockstar video games, the game features a list of hidden keywords that activate changes that can help you by filling your pockets with money, restoring your health, providing you with weapons and vehicles, or making the game go crazy. Try these cheats yourself in GTA San Andreas for PC and enjoy this game in a new light.
How to enter cheats in GTA San Andreas for PC
Some have even counted 100 hidden cheat codes in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Although there is something for everyone, some are more useful than others. Some make the game unplayable. Others will make it easy for you when you get stuck in a complicated mission. Be that as it may, if you are playing GTA San Andreas on PC, using these cheat codes is very easy.
Whether you play with a keyboard and mouse or with a game controller, when you are in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, all you need to do is type the keyword or cheat code you want to activate. You do not need to pause the game or look for hidden menus. You will know the code has been activated because a message will pop up on the screen indicating which cheat code you have activated.
All tips, tricks, codes, and hints for GTA San Andreas
As usual in Rockstar games, you will find a lot of tricks to use in GTA San Andreas. So, to make it easy for you, we classify the cheats according to what content they activate in the game: vehicles, money, health, weapons, your character's skills, how pedestrians or NPCs behave, the map's weather, and so on. Choosing between them will depend on what you want to do: test how far GTA San Andreas can go or pave the way to pass the game.

Codes to get vehicles in GTA San Andreas
- Tank (Rinho): AIWPRTON or MOMHRER.
- Racing car (Bloodring Banger v1): OLDSPEEDDEMON.
- Racing car (Bloodring Banger v2):CQZIJMB.
- Rancher: JQNTDMH.
- Sports car (Hotring Racer v1): PDNEJOH or VROCKPOKEY.
- Another sports vehicle (Hotring Racer v2): VPJTQWV.
- Limousine (Strech): KRIJEBR or CELEBRITYSTATUS.
- Garbage truck: UBHYZHQ.
- Golf cart or caddy: RZHSUEW.
- Fighter (Hydra): JUMPJET.
- Combat helicopter (Hunter): OHDUDE.
- War helicopter: OHDUDE.
- Dozer: EEGCYXT.
- Bulldozer: ITSALLBULL.
- Monster Truck: AGBDLCID.
- Aerobatic aircraft: URKQSRK or FLYINGTOSTUNT.
- Vortex Hovercraft: KGGGDKP.
- Gasoline tank truck: AMOMHRER.
Money and health codes for GTA San Andreas
- Infinite health and armor plus $250,000: HESOYAM.
- Unlimited oxygen so you will not get tired when running: CVWKXAM.
- You will activate the adrenaline mode: MUNASEF.
- You become practically invincible: BAGUVIX.
- Your character commits suicide: SZCMAWO or GOODBYECRUELWORLD.
- Your character becomes fat. Helpful in some missions: BTCDBCB.
- CJ will get muscles. Helpful in some missions: BUFFMEUP.
- Your character has neither muscle nor fat: KVGYZQK.
- Infinite health, except for explosions and falls: CAINEMVHZC.
Weapons and ammo codes for GTA San Andreas
- Type 1 weapon set (baseball bat, pistol, shotgun, shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray, metal knuckleduster): LXGIWYL.
- Type 2 weapon set (knife, pistol, sawed-off shotgun, Tec 9 submachine gun, sniper rifle, flamethrower, grenades, fire extinguisher): PROFESSIONALSKIT or KJKSZPJ.
- Type 3 weapon set (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun, M4, bazooka, plastic explosive): UZUMYMW.
- Automatic aiming with your gun while driving: OUIQDMW.
- Infinite ammunition: WANRLTW or FULLCLIP.
- All weapons are at your disposal: NCSGDAG.
- Get missiles for recruiting someone: ROCKETMAYHEM.

Codes to have special skills and powers in GTA San Andreas
- Highest respect: WORSHIPME.
- Maximum women attraction: HELLOLADIES or EHIBXQS.
- You jump higher: KANGAROO.
- You are a ninja: AFPHULTL.
- You are never hungry: AEDUWNV.
- Lethal punches: IAVENJQ.
- Recruit someone with a gun: SJMAHPE.
- Recruit someone with a rocket launcher: ZSOXFSQ.
Police, pedestrian, and city codes in GTA San Andreas
- Minimize the level of police searches. You will remove your stars: SNAEB.
- Maximizes the police search. Stars to the maximum: BRINGITON.
- Lower the police search level: TURNDOWNTHEHEAT.
- Raise the police search level: TURNUPTHEHEAT.
- Locks the search level: AEZAKMI.
- Lock the search level: MROEMZH.
- Everyone is armed on the street: FOOOXFT.
- Pedestrians attack you: BGLUAWML.
- Elvis is the king, and he appears everywhere: BLUESUEDESHOES.
- Parachute jump: AIYPWZQP.
- A bounty hunter is looking for you: BAGOWPG.
Weather and environment codes in GTA San Andreas
- The game will advance faster: SPEEDITUP.
- The game will progress in slow motion: SLOWITDOWN.
- The clock ticks faster: YSOHNUL.
- Sunny weather: PLEASANTLYWARM.
- Cloudy weather: ALNSFMZO.
- Rainy day: AUIFRVQS.
- Cloudy day: CFVFGMJ.
- It is always midnight in San Andreas: NIGHTPROWLER.
- It is always 21:00: OFVIAC.
- Stormy weather: MGHXYRM.
- Sandstorm ravages the city: CWJXUOC.
Other tricks and codes for GTA San Andreas
- All cars explode around you: CPKTNWT.
- All cars float on water: GKPNMQ.
- Your vehicle becomes invisible: XICWMD or WHEELSONLYPLEASE.
- Perfect driving: PGGOMOY.
- Cars can fly: RIPAZHA.
- Vehicles turn pink: LLQPFBN.
- Vehicles turn black: IOWDLAC.
- All cars are sporty: EVERYONEISRICH.
- All cars are in bad shape: EVERYONEISPOOR.
- The car you drive makes small leaps: JHJOECW.
- The car you are driving makes big jumps: CJPHONEHOME.
- Cabs have nitro to go faster: VKYPQCF.
- Less traffic on the map: THGLOJ.
- Vehicle statuses go up to 100%: NATURALTALENT.
- All cars have nitro to go faster: SPEEDFREAK.
- Aggressive drivers: YLTEICZ.
- Ships can fly: FLYINGFISH.
- Beach party: CIKGCGX.
- Rural theme: OAXCCRI.
- Circus theme: HDLIWGB.
- Beach theme: BWCMMTD.
- Pimp theme: BNIZWSB.
- Criminal theme: AAUSQP.