Minecraft villagers are peaceful characters that you can find in the villages you visit in the game. You can trade with them to get different materials and items of interest, so here, we tell you everything you need to know about these villagers, how to find out what profession they have, what trades you can make with them, and much more.
Types of villagers and their professions in Minecraft
Depending on their type of clothing, each villager will have one or another profession. To find it out, you can look at the accessories worn by each villager or interact with them to find out what type of trade they perform in each case, as indicated at the top right of the menu when trading. Among all these types, we find the following:
- Fletcher: if you want a bow and a few arrows, look for this merchant.
- Artist: if you want to get a painting or colored wood, this villager is the right one.
- Armorer: visit an armorer if you want to buy chain mail or armor.
- Mason: provides special and edited blocks.
- Librarian: sells enchanted books and animal naming tags.
- Butcher: you can buy meat or get emeralds to use as currency.
- Cartographer: get maps and patterns for the banner by trading with them.
- Cleric: to get magic items such as incantations or potion bottles.
- Farmer: provides you with food and seeds to grow and obtain ingredients.
- Weaponsmith: forges and sells various weapons in exchange for emeralds.
- Fisherman: sells both fish and a high-quality enchanted rod.
- Leatherworker: this villager is in charge of selling furs and saddles.
- Unemployed: some villagers are unemployed and wearing simple clothes.
How to change the job of the villagers in Minecraft
If you are looking for a type of villager with a particular job but are having a hard time finding them, there is a way to get them to change their trade. To do so, you must destroy its workstation and build the block you want in each case so that when it looks for another profession after running out of its usual working tool, it will find the block you are interested in. For example, if we destroy the blast furnace that an armorer is working with and place a barrel near it, the character will soon become a Fisherman.

These are the blocks used by each type of villager that you must build and place near the one you want to change profession after destroying its usual workstation:
- Fletcher: Fletching Table
- Leatherworker: Cauldron
- Armorer: Blast Furnace
- Mason: Stonecutter
- Librarian: Lectern
- Butcher: Smoker
- Cartographer: Cartography Table
- Cleric: Brewing Stand
- Farmer: Composter
- Weaponsmith: Grindstone
- Fisherman: Barrel
- Shepherd: Loom
- Unemployed: no block
How to trade with villagers
The way to trade in Minecraft is simple, although the materials required are not always easy to get. To interact with them, you simply have to get close enough and when the "Trade" button appears, tap on it.

As you trade with each of them, they will level up, so they will be able to provide you with even better and more interesting and varied items on each occasion, although what you will have to give them in exchange will also be more valuable, always clearly and precisely indicated in the trade menu that is displayed when you interact with them. To trade, simply place the requested object, in this case, 4 chickens, in the free box on the right side of the screen. Drag it from the inventory and leave it there so that the "Trade" button below is activated and you can get the emerald it offers in exchange, in this case.

For example, the armorer will give you an enchanted sword in exchange for 7-21 emeralds at its third level, so it will be necessary to save lots of coal to exchange it at the beginning and get it to level up to that point. And so on, each with its own requirements and rewards. Some are more profitable than others, of course, and the behavior you have in the village will affect these prices, that is, if you are hostile and generate chaos in the place, prices will go up or even refuse to trade with you.
So now you know, explore the world to find populated villages, behave yourself, and discover all the possibilities of trade in Minecraft!