Featured software for Linux

List of featured Linux programs. Discover the best software and featured and recommended programs for Linux at present.

PlayOnLinux 4.3.4 English

Run your favorite Windows games on Linux

Ubuntu 24.04.2 English
Ubuntu 24.04.2

The best Linux distribution

Wine 10.0 rc3 English
Wine 10.0 rc3

Launch Windows applications in Linux

Fedora 38-1.6 English
Fedora 38-1.6

Linux distribution based on Red Hat

Tails 6.12 English
Tails 6.12

The most private Linux distro

Linux Lite 5.4 English

A lightweight Linux for beginners

darktable 3.8.1 English
darktable 3.8.1

Image processing in RAW format

KTooN 0.9a English
KTooN 0.9a

Create stunning 2D animations

Rescatux 0.74 English
Rescatux 0.74

Restore the MBR of your hard drive

Xubuntu 24.04.2 LTS English
Xubuntu 24.04.2 LTS

Distro based on Ubuntu with Xfce environment

Minecraft 2.1.2481 English
Minecraft 2.1.2481

Create a virtual world with LEGO-type blocks

Debian 12.9.0 English
Debian 12.9.0

Versatile Linux distro with thousands of packages

Kubuntu 24.04.2 English
Kubuntu 24.04.2

KDE version of the best Linux of all

Midori 9 English

Light and quick web browser

BitTorrent 5.3 English

Download files from one of the fastest P2P networks

Enlightenment 0.22.4 English

Customize your Linux desktop environment

OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 Plasma English
OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 Plasma

Enjoy the evolution of Mandriva

GNOME 45.1 English
GNOME 45.1

Very complete desktop environment

PyTube 11.0.1 English
PyTube 11.0.1

Download and edit videos from YouTube in this 'all in one'

Lin-X 1.1 English
Lin-X 1.1

Distro based on Ubuntu identical to Mac OS X

Wine-Doors 0.1.4a2 English
Wine-Doors 0.1.4a2

Install Windows applications on your Linux