All the programs for Linux
EdrawMax The best program to create diagrams
War Thunder World War II online war game
Kdenlive Video editor with advanced features
Lubuntu A fast distro that hardly consumes any resources
Xubuntu Distro based on Ubuntu with Xfce environment
Kubuntu KDE version of the best Linux of all
Ubuntu The best Linux distribution
Shutter A powerful tool to take screen captures
Tails The most private Linux distro
AssaultCube Multiplayer FPS for Linux
Fotocx Image editor with many options to improve your photos
Debian Versatile Linux distro with thousands of packages
Wine Launch Windows applications in Linux
Combin Social marketing software for Instagram
SuperTuxKart The racing game of Tux, the mascot of Linux
OpenTTD Business simulation game based on Transport Tycoon
CentOS Server-oriented Linux distribution
bsdgames Play classics from the Linux terminal
Manjaro Distro based on Arch Linux
GNOME Very complete desktop environment
Synaptic Get hold of all the programs and packs that you need
Midori Light and quick web browser
Fedora Linux distribution based on Red Hat
Qmmp Music player similar to XMMS and Winamp
Kismet Check the configuration and security of your Wi-Fi connection
WiFite Automate the audit of Wi-Fi networks
gBrainy Exercise your brain thanks to this great game
darktable Image processing in RAW format
Rescatux Restore the MBR of your hard drive
PyTube Download and edit videos from YouTube in this 'all in one'
BleachBit System cleaning tool alternative to CCleaner
Firejail SUID program to reduce risks in security breaches
0 A.D. A real-time strategy game set in ancient times
Damn Small Linux Light operating system on LiveCD
TimeShift Tool to restore Linux
Linux Lite A lightweight Linux for beginners
Webmin Manage your system from the browser
OpenMandriva Enjoy the evolution of Mandriva
Kodibuntu Ubuntu-based Linux distro to make the most of Kodi
Bodhi Linux A different Linux distribution
SimpleScreenRecorder Record everything that happens on your screen
Synchrorep An easy way to synchronize your folders
Freeciv Strategy game based on Civilization I and II
netcat Audit your PC's incoming and outgoing traffic
chkrootkit A tool to detect Trojans
Dota 2 One of the most popular MOBA right now
FreeCraft Free Miniecraft for Linux
Enlightenment Customize your Linux desktop environment
Minecraft Create a virtual world with LEGO-type blocks
OpenElec Distribution to make the most of the XBMC multimedia center
Puppy Simple and fast Linux distribution
Edubuntu Ubuntu focused on education
DisPlex A shortcut to the Ubuntu graphic configurations
luckyBackup Carry out backups of your files on Linux
Gtkpod Manage your iPod from your Linux distro
PlayOnLinux Run your favorite Windows games on Linux
Blinken Digital version of Simon Says
Ailurus Linux at any user's reach
Gwenview Viewer with basic image editing and organization
Firestarter A modern firewall for Linux
GpsDrive Work with your GPS from a Linux computer
AcetoneISO Alcohol for Linux
Span-Gles Translate between Spanish and English
Asturix Linux distro developed in Asturias (Spain)
KTooN Create stunning 2D animations
CryptoFS Protect your files by means of encryption
Furius ISO Mount Use ISO images without needing to burn them
Wine-Doors Install Windows applications on your Linux
KolourPaint Tool to draw and paint your own creations
Swiftweasel Browser that's an optimized version of Firefox
StartOS Distribution identical to Windows XP, perfect for beginners
Galeon Practical web browser based on Gecko for the GNOME desktop
Dreamlinux Distribution based on Debian that's ready for any task
BitTorrent Download files from one of the fastest P2P networks
uTube Ripper Download and convert your favorite YouTube videos
WineXS The easiest way to make use of Wine
Lin-X Distro based on Ubuntu identical to Mac OS X