All the programs for Mac (Page 3)
Apple Pi Baker Flash your SD card for Raspsberry Pi
Dr.Fone for iOS Never lose the data of your iPhone
DOSBox Relive your classic MS-DOS games
iMusic The best mobile music manager for Mac
macOS Catalina macOS 10.15 with exclusivity for 64-bit applications
macOS Mojave Version 10.14 of macOS
CmapTools Create your own concept maps
Return of the Obra Dinn Unravel the mystery hidden by the Obra Dinn
LINE Free WhatsApp-style instant messaging service
Perfect Privacy VPN Protect your online activity with a VPN
Papers, Please Control Arstotzka's immigration
Xcode Integrated development environment for iOS and Mac OS X
MEGAsync MEGA's official client
Flume Alternative Instagram client
KakaoTalk Messenger A simple and funny multiplatform chat app
Raft An adventure and survival sandbox game at high seas
PDF Reader Pro The ultimate tool to work with PDFs on Mac
Keynote iWork's tool to create slideshows
Office 365 The latest version of this office suite for your Mac
PhotoScape X Simple yet efficient image editor for Mac
macOS Sierra New version of the Mac OS X operating system
macOS High Sierra The substitute of macOS Sierra can now be downloaded in beta version
DropCopy The easiest way to share files over on the Internet
Glims Add new features to Safari
Reason Everything you would have in your music studio, now inside your Mac
PulpMotion Create stunning multimedia presentations
iRip Download the contents of your iPod or iPhone to any computer
Picasa Catalog, view and optimize your collection of images
RipIt The most direct manner to rip your video DVDs
Papaya Share files with whoever you want
Awaken Wake up to pleasant songs
Senuti Unblock your iPod and copy your songs to the hard drive
VisualHub Practical and efficient video converter for Mac
Starcraft Conquer the Universe with this strategy game
Publisher Plus Easily design business cards, adverts, and posters
Logoist Create stunning illustrations and images
OsiriX DICOM viewer for doctors without technological barriers
KeepVid Music Program to download music and manage your collection for free
ESET Cybersecurity PRO Antivirus security suite for Mac
Playback Share multimedia with your PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360
SuperDuper! Don't lose any data
Posterino Create your own memories
Jabref The best bibliographical database
Zipeg File decompressor for Mac
Worms 3D The most famous worms land on Mac
FileSalvage Recover deleted files
Counter Strike 2D version of CS for Mac
Wondershare Data Recovery Recover files deleted accidentally
Hider 2 Block and hide private information
AllMyTube Download videos from YouTube and dozens of other sites
DiskMaker X Create a bootable disc for OS X
Autopano Create pan images from simple photos
Flickr Uploadr Keep your photo collection safe
Pages iWork's text processor
RAR Extractor Tool to decompress files in different formats
MathType Equation editor
Instashare Share files between Mac OS X and iOS wirelessly
doubleTwist Synchronise the contents of your Mac with mobile devices
JaBack Make automatic backups
Suitcase Fusion Professional manager for fonts
Trillian Your messaging services and social networks from a single interface
LabVIEW Efficient and sturdy tool to control and develop electronic systems
Pokemon Online Fight online with your Pokémons
Xtorrent An easy way to download files to your Mac
GoPro Studio What would you do with your GoPro without this program?
Encrypto File encrypter for Mac
MacClean Clean and optimize Mac reinforcing your privacy
Paint S Simple graphical editor for Mac
PDF Editor Mac The solution to edit PDFs on Mac
Numbers The ideal tool to create spreadsheets on Mac
Octagon A minimalistic and hypnotic arcade game
Keka Practical and functional file compressor for free
CrossOver Run Windows applications on your Mac
RealPlayer A multimedia player with hundreds of additional functions
Acqlite Practical and eye-catching client for the Gnutella network
iMovie Mac's video editor par excellence
RapidWeaver Create your own blog very easily
Rosetta Stone Learn languages on your Mac
Voila Capture your screen without problems
iCompta Take control of your personal finances
Snowtape Listen and record 800 different radio stations on the Internet
iPhone Explorer Access your iPhone's files from a Mac
SousChef A digital kitchen hand to help you cook
SketchBox Create and manage as many sticky notes as you want
Ardour A free open source professional audio workstation
LeopardAssist Install OS X Leopard on G4 computers
Coda A complete web development environment
Video Monkey Convert your videos to enjoy them on your phone
AppZapper Use 'drag and drop' to delete programs
Finale Compose, organize, and share your music
iTunes Apple's multimedia player and cataloger
Reaper Very complete DAW to create songs
iSkysoft Toolbox - Switch Tool to quickly transfer files between two phones
Chess Play chess on your computer
Hotspot Shield Secure and private browsing on public access networks
Wondershare DVD Creator All the tools you need to work with DVDs
Citra Bring back all your 3DS games
IBM SPSS Statistics Gather and analyze statistical data
Pixelmator Pro Non-destructive image editing software that's an alternative to Photoshop
Pixelmator Versatile image editor for Mac
Ortelius Simple and powerful cartography program for Mac
Adblock Plus for Safari Block intrusive adverts on Safari
Transmit The most complete FTP client for Mac
Vuze Much more than just a BitTorrent client
Soda Player Multimedia player capable of playing torretns
Pixlr Autodesk's simple tool for photo enhancements
Aptana Studio IDE for the development of web applications
Cydia Impactor Install apps without going through iTunes App Store
iExplorer Turn your iPod into yet another memory unit
iCalamus Stunning software to prepare documents to be printed
Microsoft Outlook Microsoft's famous email client for Mac
Kairon A program for all astrology lovers
Prey Locate your stolen or lost computer
Book Hunter Organize your book collection
Deeper Configure your Mac's hidden functions
Magic Number Machine Advanced calculator
SketchUp 3D design and modeling for everyone
MPEG Streamclip Play, convert, and edit videos on your Mac
Disc Cover Create beautiful CD, DVD, and Blu-ray covers
Prezi Desktop Access Prezi from your computer's desktop