Age of Empires experiences the magic of the Far East
Age of Empires III is one of the best real-time strategy (RTS) games of all times, standing out specially due to its playability and how spectacular its graphics are.
The Asian Dynasties is the second expansion of this game. It sets the action in the Far East, passing from the fight for supremacy and evolution in Europe or America to Asia.
In this expansion of this game we will find three new civilizations: the Japanese, the Indians and the Chinese, each one with their own rules and features. Together with these new civilizations we'll find new units and technology, that make this expansion completely different from the original Age of Empires III.
Asian civilizations build great monuments to express their economical growth. In the game they will have to build one of these monuments to change the era, with five different monuments for each of them, among which we will find parallelisms with the Taj Mahal or the Temple of Confucius.
Depending on the civilization that we play with, the objective of the game will be different. The Japanese campaign consists on unifying Japan and concentrates on the shogunato Tokugawa. The Chinese campaign is based on the expansion of the Ming Empire and finding the Old World. And the Indian campaign focuses on the rebellion of a young Indian Lieutenant against a tyrannical English Colonel.
If you enjoyed yourself playing Age of Empires III, you still have many hours of enjoyment left with this incredible game expansion.

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Antony Peel