Extract audio from any video
AoA Audio Extractor is a utility with which you will be able to extract the audio tracks from any film or video file quickly and totally free of charge. If you're only interested in obtaining the sound from part of the file you'll also have the possibility to do so.
Rip the audio of your videos
The program's simple interface doesn't offer any doubt when it comes to handling the application: add the video files from which you want to obtain the soundtrack, choose the format that you want to use to save the extracted audio, select the compression options to determine the quality and the size of the output file and, last of all, indicate where you want to save the file.
This application is compatible with a great variety of different kinds of video files (AVI, MPEG, FLV, MOV, DAT, WMV, MP4 and 3GP). For the audio, it's possible to choose between three of the most popular sound formats: MP3, WAV and AC3. Don't waste time with complex and expensive applications, extract the sound from any video with AoA Audio Extractor.
Requirements and additional information:
- When you finish installing the application it will give you the choice to use the Basic version (Free) or Premium (Paid application).

¡Hi! I am Vanessa Martin, I like to travel, music, photography, and I am passionate about the Internet, as it is a great source of information where you can find everything you need. If it exists, it is on the Internet. Another of my great...

Antony Peel