Obtain information about your system with maximum accuracy
We often need to find out complete, specific data about one of our computer's components in order to obtain drivers or to resolve some kind of problem. ASTRA32 or Advanced Sysinfo Tool & Reporting Assistant is an excellent tool to be able to get that data.
Benchmark your PC
Unlike other programs of this kind, ASTRA32 doesn't have utilities or added extras. This software analyzes the whole system as soon as it is launched to show the user as much data as possible. Data that can range from the kind of processor used in the computer to the ID of the motherboard on which it is installed.
Although the vast majority of data shown by ASTRA32 isn't particularly relevant to the majority of users, the truth is that many tasks may require such information. For example, if you are looking for a new BIOS for the motherboard, it is important to have as much data as possible to be able to choose the proper BIOS.
Likewise, since we will know the specific models used, we will also be able to get a general idea about the real specifications, something that overclocking enthusiasts will surely know how to appreciate.
Requirements and additional information:
- The trial version has limited functions.

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Antony Peel