Creating an account on a dating app often means giving up some of our privacy. However, if we just want to browse the profiles of other users or enter without giving our personal data, Badoo lets us satisfy our curiosity while keeping our privacy intact.
How to join Badoo without being registered
One of the main disadvantages of dating and flirting apps is that everyone who wants to access the platform has to create a public profile. This profile is only accessible to members of the community, but there is a trick to enter Badoo without having a user account.
In fact, there are certain data that are accessible to anyone. According to the terms of use of the service, "users who are not registered will only be able to access Badoo content that is available to the general public". In other words, you can enter Badoo without an account, but you can only see public data.
But how do you enter Badoo without being registered? The quickest way is to paste the following URL into the address bar of your web browser:

This address can be customized by changing the details (the country and city). However, we will only be able to see the names of the users and their blurred photos. If we want to find out more details, we will have to create an account and go through the verification process.
In the past, you could also use a search engine (such as Google) to enter the keywords you are interested in and directly access profiles with these keywords. For example, name, age, and city, as well as the app's name. However, the platform has greatly restricted the data we can look at without an account.

Therefore, this trick is limited and only lets us look around for a bit. If we really want to access the Badoo database, we will have no choice but to register.
How to join Badoo without verifying
Most dating apps ask us to verify our account before using it to be sure that there is a real person behind the profile. Badoo is not an exception. What's more, its verification controls are quite stringent.

Now, the question is: can we enter Badoo without having a verified account through the supported methods? Well, the truth is that you can, since it is not a totally necessary process to use the platform. However, it is always advisable to verify our account, since failure to do so will raise suspicions and it is likely that users interacting with us will believe that our profile is fake.