Diagnostic tool designed to identify any AMD processor
It is important for every user to know detailed information about each element that forms part of their computer, because a lot of the information of each component is left out of by the manufacturers in the manuals and specifications.
If we have a computer with an AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) processor installed, and we want to known every last detail of its specifications, we will have to use a utility like Central Brain Identifier.
This simple application will allow us to obtain all kinds of information about our process, as the name, model, family, clock speed, cache information, FSB frequency, OPN number, supported technologies and the launch data, among many other details.
The programs interface is very simple and clear, even though somewhat austere, so that all the data can seen clearly and without any problems.
If you want to know every last detail of your AMD processor, download Central Brain Identifier now, a free and practical application.

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