The best program to build crosswords
Crossword Forge is a brilliant application to create your own crosswords. Easily create your own puzzles.
Builds crosswords up to 25 times quicker than with previous versions of the program.
If you really like crosswords, it's time for you to discover the interesting world of crossword creation. And what a better way than with a professional application like Crossword Forge.
Test your friends and family
Crosswords from newspapers and magazines end up being monotonous and repetitive. Build your own word puzzles with different difficulty levels thanks to Crossword Forge. This application has an efficient engine capable of quickly generating crosswords with which you'll be able to test your friends and family.
Among the options available in Crossword Forge it's worth highlighting the possibility to access various language dictionaries that will help you to find the exact word to place in your crossword, the possibility to choose different graphic aspects to present the crosswords and its function to print and export to Web or PDF format.
Crosswords and more
And it isn't all crosswords, Crossword Forge offers you the possibility to create other pastimes like word search games, both for children and adults.
Download Crossword Forge and enjoy yourself creating your own crosswords.
Requirements and additional information:
- This is a trial version with certain limitations.
- This download requires a ZIP compatible compressor.

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