DMCA's Sky

DMCA's Sky is ASMB's response to the takedown request for No Mario's Sky on behalf of Nintendo. It's a platform game that pays tribute to No Man's Sky


The alternative to No Mario's Sky

September 7, 2016
8 / 10

The launch of the exploration video game DMCA's Sky hasn't left anyone cold and the first clones have already appeared. One of the most renowned ones was definitely No Mario's Sky, a mashup between the new Destiny and a classic Super Mario Bros. game.

Unfortunately, Nintendo's reaction, who are always very alert about any game that could threaten their copyrights, didn't take too long to appear and they've already requested the takedown of the game starring the cheap copy of the most famous plumber in the gaming world.

A Mario game... but without Mario

But the guys at ASMB, developers of No Mario's Sky, haven't taken too long to answer Nintendo's DMCA. And they've done so with plenty of humor, publishing a new version of the game in which all references to the Japanese multinational company have been removed.

Every law has a loophole.

Thus, in DMCA's Sky, Mario has been replaced by an astronaut called Finn, who has to explore an endless universe searching for his princess, that's not Peach but Mango. On his way he'll have to jump on the evil moombas -not to confuse with goombas- to kill them and travel to other planets in his spaceship. As you can see, any similarity with Mario Bros. must be pure coincidence.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Requires a ZIP-compatible compressor.
Antony Peel

A Telecommunications Engineer, chance led me to the translation industry, where after a few years, I discovered another side of the world of technology while translating what others were writing about mobile applications and software. That...
