Ligthweight and versatile audio player that uses the iTunes library
As you all know, the multimedia player for Mac OS X is iTunes, a software that isn't only a must if we want to transfer our music and films to portable devices like the iPod or the iPhone, it is also essential if we want to manage the music contents that we have stored on our computer.
Multimedia player that's lighter than iTunes
When the only thing that we need is to listen to music, iTunes can be excessively heavy, both because of the resource bloating as well as its huge window and the nearly void versatility of its design. There are a few tools that disguise it under a small interface that accepts keyboard shortcuts and different skins.
Ecoute performs a similar task, with the exception that you can access the iTunes library directly without having to launch the application. It is the only multimedia player that replaces iTunes, using its multimedia library and without having to launch it.
Thus, we will enjoy a minimalist window through which we can access all our songs, videoclips, films and podcasts. Ecoute comes with several different skins and URL addresses where we can find more. A lightweight and slimline substitute of iTunes that will make listening to music on our Mac even more pleasant.
Requirements and additional information:
- The trial version can be used for 15 days.

My name is Leticia. I really like movies, television, and music. That is why I studied Audiovisual Communication. In the beginning, I wanted to work in movies, but I ended up on television. Then, I went from being behind the cameras to being in...

Antony Peel