Ubuntu focused on education
This free operating system is an official fork of Ubuntu aimed at students. Edubuntu is developed thanks to the cooperation of teachers, parents and engineers capable of defining the appropriate and necessary software for their children's education. The system comes along with a complete office suite, teaching programs, a wide collection of activities to introduce kids into the use of computers, etc.
Software adapted to children
Among many other programs, Edubuntu includes all this software with which kids can learn by having fun and totally safely:
- Gcompris: maths, reading activities and other topics for kids between 4 and 10 years of age.
- Ktouch: a typing program so that they learn to type correctly.
- KStars to explore the stars and Kalzium for the periodic table.
- TuxMat: a fun program to learn maths.
- Kverbos: the perfect application to practice verbs or play hangman.
And plenty more software suitable for children to learn fractions, coding, spelling, fractals and whatever they mye need.
Requirements and additional information:
- You can virtualize the image with any appropriate program or run the installation by burning the ISO onto an optical disc or pendrive.
- The download includes a compressed folder with the ISO image for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

Hi, I’m Lauriane Guilloux. I grew up surrounded by gadgets and technology and everyone who knows me assumes that it will always be one of my greatest interests. I’ve evolved hand-in-hand with PCs, laptops, video gaming consoles, smartphones,...

Antony Peel