Complete the songs' lyrics
Music lovers all over the world have an unmissable date with this application developed by Word of Quiz, a studio specialized in question and answer apps. On this occasion it offers us a musical adventure in which we must complete the lyrics of the songs.
How many songs do you know?
Music has something that allows us to memorize the lyrics of the songs even when it is not our intention. But, when it comes down to it, do we really remember the lyrics? With the download of the APK file of the game Finish The Lyrics we can answer that question.
Can you finish the lyrics of the songs of Antonio Orozco or Maluma? What about other songs?
Before starting to use this app, we must choose the language of the songs between: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Polish. Each one has its own catalog, so the content vary from one language to another.
To play the game we simply have to read the lyrics of the song and select the missing part from four possible answers. We have limited lives, so if we miss many questions in a game, we will be eliminated.
This is a very cool, fun and interesting app with which we can cheer up any party. However, it has a problem, and that is that its thundering soundtrack makes it a little more difficult to think about the lyrics of the songs. But then again, we can always mute the volume and sing it ourselves.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2.
- Offers in-app purchases.

With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all...

Susana Arjona