An old fashioned graphic adventure game
Flight of the Amazon Queen was one of the most successful graphic adventure games of its time, using the SCUMM graphics engine. In this story, the main character was Joe King, an aircraft pilot.
Using a similar game system to the renowned Monkey Island or Indiana Jones titles, the truth is that Flight of the Amazon Queen is an excellent graphic adventure that offers great variety, with very well designed scenarios and a really good story.
A graphical adventure from yesteryear
The game starts with Joe King locked in a room from which he miraculously manages to escape, after that, he sees how the trip he had planned along the Amazon river is in danger. Nevertheless, the player's task is to manage to complete that trip even if things don't end up working out as anticipated because the plane crashes and that is where the real adventure starts.
With large doses of humor, very colorful and detailed design and a rather good story, Flight of the Amazon Queen doesn't have anything to envy of other games from the same period that have managed to endure against other games that are more advanced. The truth is that despite being launched in 1995, this game has still got many enthusiasts.

My name is Leticia. I really like movies, television, and music. That is why I studied Audiovisual Communication. In the beginning, I wanted to work in movies, but I ended up on television. Then, I went from being behind the cameras to being in...

Antony Peel