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This program belongs to the Miscellaneous Social Networks category
Interact and share all sorts of contents with your contacts on these miscellaneous social networks. Publish comments, repost publications, visit different profiles, hit the like button and meet new people
User opinions
From the "Leftist Lexicon: The State is God":
Fascist = Anyone who disagrees with a Leftist.
Ultra-Right = Anyone who disagrees with a Leftist.
Racist = Anyone who disagrees with a Leftist.
Leftist Motto = " Fascism is bad except when we do it."
Yeah, Big Tech Censhoship is a huge problem... I constantly read about it in Facebook and Twitter. Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page, with Sergey Brin and Tim Cook, like the communists they are, run everything in the Supreme Soviet of Silicon Valley. And they are controlled by Bill Gates with 5G vaccines from the main Microsoft headquartes, in Pyongyang. Cheers!
I am not fascist nor a ultra-right adept, yet I see my serious posts constantly flagged of missing context, false and other bs, when it’s there, bang in front of your eyes.
Big Tech censorship is a huge problem, and if you support it you are a Communist.
I remind you that Communism isn’t certainly a peaceful dictatorship, see USSR with Stalin, see North Korea, see China. Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Page et al. are all de facto publishers, as they are clearly not bipartisan, but from the extreme left. They can fuck off in my book.
Hi, TheLeftChampionsHate. The "Rightist Lexicon" is even shorter:
Leftist: anyone who knows how to read.