Oysters are one of the collectibles GTA San Andreas has hidden on its map. Specifically, 50 oysters that you will have to find submerged in areas with water. To do so, you will have to dive. And when you have them, you will get a prize that will help you to have an easier time with the female characters in the game. Leaving that aside, you are free to look for them between main missions or wait until you finish the game to get all the collectibles.
Oysters map in GTA San Andreas

Since San Andreas is a state that faces the sea, it is not surprising to find oysters in its waters. That seems to be the logic behind this curious feature the creators of GTA San Andreas decided to implement. So, if you want to complete the game, in addition to finishing the main and secondary missions, you will have to collect these bivalve mollusks.
List of oyster locations in GTA San Andreas
The 50 oysters you must find in San Andreas can be in any place with water. In addition to the sea, you will find them in rivers, coasts, pools, ponds, or bridges. As usual with these collectibles, some are easier to find than others. But they all have in common that they will force you to get wet to get them.
To help you find them faster, we give you a list of locations indicating the neighborhood, county, or place where they are, as well as some clues to make finding the oysters easier.
- Playa del Seville. At the pier, on the shore of the beach. Underwater.
- Ocean Docks. Shortly after the end of the pier. In front of the promenade.
- Ocean Docks. Under the bridge.
- Ocean Docks. Under another viaduct.
- Los Santos International. In the southwesternmost part of the pier.
- Verdant Bluffs. In the sea, close to Verona Beach. Descending from a bend in the road.
- Verona Beach. Under one of the two small bridges for pedestrians.
- Santa Maria Beach. Next to the lighthouse. In the southern part.
- Glen Park. In the middle of the lake, under the bridge.
- Mulholland. In the pool at Madd Dogg's mansion.
- Marina. In a lake located in the middle of several houses.
- Red County. Under a bridge. Between Red County and Blueberry.
- Red County. Again, under a bridge.
- Fisher's Lagoon. Near a dilapidated dock on the beach.
- Red County. Under the south bridge (the smallest).
- Frederick Bridge. Once again, under the bridge.
- Flint County. Near the shore of the small beach.
- Flint Intersection. Under another bridge.
- Los Santos. Under a viaduct over which the railroad passes.
- Flint County. Under a bridge.
- The Panopticon. Under a bend in the road, to the northwest.
- Flint County. On the southernmost bridge in GTA San Andreas.
- Flint County. Again, under a small wooden bridge.
- Whetstone. In this rocky area, under the bridge.
- Mount Chiliad. Under the huge bridge located parallel to the mountain.
- Missionary Hill. In a lake located on the side of the road. Near Country Club.
- San Fierro. Next to the ship docked at the pier.
- Easter Basin. Under the pier, you will have to dive underground.
- Easter Basin. Next to a ship in a dangerous area where you must face the army.
- San Fierro. At the end of the platform, near the Easter Basin dock.
- Garver Bridge. Under the bridge, in the central part.
- San Fierro. Below the ship, at a certain depth.
- San Fierro. Below the bridge with a design quite similar to San Francisco's, in its southern part.
- Gant Bridge. On the north side of the same bridge.
- Tierra Robada. Under the lighthouse.
- Tierra Robada. Under a bend.
- San Fierro. Under the stern of a ship.
- Tierra Robada. Under a small bridge.
- Tierra Robada. Near a bridge, but head several meters south to find the oyster.
- Sherman Dam. Below one of the towers rising above the water.
- Tierra Robada. Under a small bridge near Toreno.
- Tierra Robada. Look under the smallest of the two bridges located to the east.
- Tierra Robada. At the pier situated at the end of a small road.
- Bone County. In one of the northernmost points of the map, near a small boat.
- San Andreas. At the northeast end of the game map.
- Roca Escalante. Inside a swimming pool.
- The Visage. Submerged in the casino waterfalls.
- Pirates in Men's Pants. Near the entrance to a hotel.
- Come-A-Lot. At the swimming pool on the left side of the hotel.
- Pilgrim. In the middle of a small square pool.