The best apps to watch Series and Movies for free on Android
A long list of free apps to watch the latest episodes of your favorite series and the best movies, whether classics or recent premieres, and without paying a single cent

An alternative to Popcorn Time on Android

Streaming platform to watch movies and series for free

Online movies ready to download

Collection of movies and series to watch online

Watch free movies and series on your Android

Hundreds of free movies and TV shows

Application to watch series, movies and live TV

App to watch movies and series produced in Asia

Watch your favorite movies and series on your Android

Online movie and series service

All kinds of free series and movies on your Android

A complete library of movies for Android

As many free TV series and movies as you want on your Android

TV series and movies for free on your Android

Indian and American films on your Android for free

Free alternative to Netflix or HBO

App to play series and movies shared by users

App to enjoy recorded TV series, movies, and even sports events

Movies and TV series you can watch for free

App for watching series, movies, and TV online and for free

Series, movies, and anime online for free

All sorts of free movies on your Android

VOD service to watch movies and series for free

Movies, series and cartoons totally free

Online film, series, TV and radio app

App for watching movies on Android

Popular movies and premieres on Android

Lots of movies and series in your pocket

Free online movies via streaming

App to watch movies and TV series for free

Enjoy free access television content

Online movies and series that you can also download for free

Application to watch streaming movies for free

App to download movies for free

Free online movie app

App to enjoy dozens of Chinese series online

Series and movies app oriented to the Indian audiences

Enjoy the latest movies and series from Kodi

Dozens of movies in original version

Free movies to stream

Lightweight app for watching movies, series and TV channels

Free movies on your Android

Movies and series online via streaming

All the videos you want, on your Android

Free movie and online TV app

Enjoy movies and TV series from different countries

Hundreds of online movies and series for free

A very complete Kodi add-on

Movies, music, and TV shows all totally free

Watch movies and TV series for free

The app of You Peliculas to watch movies and series online

Watch movies and series on your smartphone for free

IPTV and movie application

Kodi add-on for Android

Kodi's add-on with movies and TV series

Access movies and series from your Android via streaming