All your manga comics in the same app
If you're into reading manga comics, you'll be happy to know that we hadn't come across such a complete app with so much high-quality material in a long time. We're talking about Manga Zone, an Android application with thousands of titles and all the mange you can imagine.
One Piece, Fairy Tail, One-Punch Man, Bleach, Naruto, Attack on Titan and all the most famous manga comics, but also the newest publications on the market and less-known titles such as My Wife is a Demon Queen or Shonan Seven, amongst hundreds of other examples.
Main features
It's an excellent platform for any kind of manga reader, whether an expert in this topic or a newbie interested in discovering new material thanks to the following options:
- Shows all the latest and most important publications, the most popular weekly comics, recommended mangas and a ranking with the favorite comics of all its users.
- Allows us to search by genre: action, adventure, mystery, shoujo, shounen, seinen, horror, for adults, sci-fi, drama...
- The app filters the results by popularity, publication date or updates whether we're searching for titles that are complete or in progress.
- We can bookmark titles as favorites to get to them easier.
- Includes a Recent tab to follow the history of our latest readings.
- Allows us to download comics to be able to read them even without an Internet connection.
- Each manga comes along with a datasheet with access to all the volumes where users can leave their comments.
- All reading material is in English.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.0.3.
- The installation of the app by means of the APK file requires the activation of the "Unknown sources" option within Settings>Applications.

Hi, I’m Lauriane Guilloux. I grew up surrounded by gadgets and technology and everyone who knows me assumes that it will always be one of my greatest interests. I’ve evolved hand-in-hand with PCs, laptops, video gaming consoles, smartphones,...

Antony Peel