MyFitnessPal Android

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Keep track of your diet with MyFitnessPal, a nutrition app that helps you monitor your calorie intake, lose weight, and stay fit to lead a healthier life


Nutrition app that helps you lose weight

March 24, 2025
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MyFitnessPal APK is a health, wellness, and nutrition app that helps you lead a healthier lifestyle. Thanks to this app's tools, you can easily control your diet, physical activity, weight, and hydration.

Learn to eat better and monitor your physical activity

When you download MyFitnessPal Android for free, you'll get a tool to help you achieve your health-related goals, such as gaining muscle, losing weight, or reducing stress. After completing a short questionnaire, the software will offer a customized plan.

Track the progress of your nutrition, physical activity, weight loss, and hydration goals.

From there, the app allows you to track your daily steps, physical activity, and calories consumed, among other data. Additionally, it has a tool that indicates the calories of each food or dish and hundreds of healthy recipes.

MyFitnessPal main features

  • Nutrition app that helps you lead a healthier life.
  • Analysis of daily nutritional intake.
  • Database with over 14 million food items.
  • A large community of users to help you stay motivated.
  • You can enter the food consumed manually or by scanning its bar code.
  • You can share your dietary achievements with other contacts.
  • Creation of objectives based on the diet to be followed.
  • Over 350 exercises to create training routines.
  • Report generation.
  • Collection of healthy recipes for every moment of the day.
  • Step counter.
  • Weight monitoring.
  • Sleep monitoring.
  • Goal customization.
  • Macro control, including carbohydrate, fat, and protein breakdown by gram or percentage.
  • Compatible with up to 50+ apps and devices, such as Fitbit, Google Fit, or Garmin Connect.
  • Intermittent fasting monitoring function.

If you want to change your habits and lead a healthier life, download MyFitnessPal APK to get all the tools you need to start. Of course, you must do your part too.

Requirements and additional information:

Almudena Galán

With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all...

Manuel Sánchez

Manuel Sánchez
