Enjoy and share more than 10,000 videos
A picture is worth a thousand words, and videos, even the short ones, make up a large part of content shared on the Internet while users spend thousands of hours a day watching them. And if they feature kittens or puppies, well, it gets crazy.
The social network Ojoo aims to attract a part of these users' attention by offering and updating more than 10,000 popular short videos a day. The service claims that it is perfect for relieving stress and anxiety if you are tired, nervous or disappointed: watching short videos could be the ideal way of disconnecting.
Main Features
- More than 10,000 videos to watch every day from all kinds of categories: animals, cinema, music, men and women.
- Download videos to share on other social networks and post them as your status on WhatsApp or on Instagram stories.
- Users have their own profile and can earn levels or badges depending on the videos they upload and their interaction with other users and their videos.
- Includes a recommendations tab which shows content that users might like based on their viewing history.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1.

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