Give your computer more power, fixing the problems it may have
All users notice how their computer's performance starts to decrease as time goes by, and as they give it more use. This is generally due to the fact that unnecessary elements are clogging our system.
Make the most of your PC
PC Speed Maximizer will take care of analyzing and correcting those small errors that cause our computer to work slower than usual. The application goes through our temporary files, the files that haven't been eliminated after installation, our Internet access configuration and the folders that are obsolete or empty on our system.
Once it has done this, the program will offer us the possibility to eliminate everything that is unnecessary and optimize our computer in almost any aspect, from file management to the Internet options.
The program has a clear interface that is easy to use, suitable for any user that wants to improve his/her PC's performance in the simplest way and without any need for great computing knowledge.
Requirements and additional information:
- It's necessary to acquire the program on the web that appears in the application to be able to optimize the system.

My name is Leticia. I really like movies, television, and music. That is why I studied Audiovisual Communication. In the beginning, I wanted to work in movies, but I ended up on television. Then, I went from being behind the cameras to being in...

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