To vectorize an image with Photoshop, the most recommended option is to follow a manual process. We have chosen the image of this construction to show you all the steps. The first thing to do is to identify the shapes in the photograph. In this case, we have a background, a bluish triangle, and a pink tetragon.
After identifying the shapes to vectorize, capture the color of the first shape, in this case, the triangle. You can do this with the eyedropper tool.

Next, activate the pen tool and make sure that, at the top, the Shape option is checked. Besides, you must select the correct color to directly fill the figure.

Dot the figure with as many nodes as necessary. The more nodes, the more accurate the drawing will be.

When you finish adding points with the pen tool, your shape will be automatically created on a new layer, with the fill color you chose. Now, it is the turn of the second figure. Again, use the eyedropper to capture the main color.

Activate the pen again and repeat the process you have carried out with the first figure.

Add as many nodes as necessary to complete the figure.

Finally, create a layer to serve as a background, below the layers of the geometric shapes you have created. Fill it with the paint bucket tool in the most suitable blue color. After doing this, you can delete the layer containing the original photograph. The result you will get is a vector graphic that can be enlarged as much as necessary without losing quality.

Remember that all this process has been done starting from an image file. If you do not want to overwrite the changes, thus avoiding losing the original file, use the Save as option in the File menu to save the project in PSD format.