PLAYit Android
free XAPK 7.9 318

If you are not happy with the video and audio player built into your Android device, PLAYit is a useful and complete tool that plays all types of files


High quality-video player for Android

January 27, 2025
7 / 10

Do you want to enjoy a powerful video and music player on your Android device? PLAYit is an exquisite player that supports multiple video formats such as 3GP, TS, MOV, AVI, MP4 and M4V, as well as MP3 audio files. But this tool offers us much more than just a player.

Complete video player for all formats

In addition to having the ability to play high-quality 1080p and even 4K resolution videos, with this app, you can watch streaming videos by simply entering the URL, use a night theme and watch videos in a floating window, as well as easily convert video to audio and watch content directly from YouTube. If we access the famous video website from this application, we can use this player to watch its videos.

Powerful HD video player that supports all formats

Also, when we open the tool, it will analyze the videos and songs that we have stored in our device library and will offer us a list (that we can customize) with different data, such as the file size, name, quality, and date.

On the other hand, we can access all our music files, as well as different playlists, and even create our own playlist with the songs we choose. So, this app is a complete tool to listen to music with great sound quality, watch videos and manage our files in a simple and very comfortable way.

Requirements and additional information:

Almudena Galán

With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all...

Manuel Sánchez

Manuel Sánchez
