Customize your messenger
PMSN Paraiso is an ideal complement for any messenger because it adds multiple icons, emoticons, and avatars, as well as providing access to various services that some users will find very useful.
Improve and customize MSN Messenger
As well as the winks, avatars, and skins for the messenger applications (both MSN Messenger as well as Windows Live are compatible), PMSN Paraiso includes tools to know who has blocked you or deleted you from their friends list, allows to use different games to those already included in messenger, can use various images as avatar (changing between them) and also includes news and innovations regarding the most used instant messenger clients.
To be able to use PMSN Paraiso is necessary to do it depending on what the program itself indicates during the start-up, this means, the programs that are open or closed and following a specif order in which they open because this software modifies some files so that we can use its functions.
To sum up, if you want a totally customizable MSN Messenger or Live Messenger and with some options that are really useful, you will like this really complete complement, PMSN Paraiso (also known as Messenger Paraiso).

My name is Leticia. I really like movies, television, and music. That is why I studied Audiovisual Communication. In the beginning, I wanted to work in movies, but I ended up on television. Then, I went from being behind the cameras to being in...

Scott McLure