Your photographs framed as a Polaroid
Pola is a simple application that creates a retro effect on your photographs: it modifies them so that they seem as if they have been taken with a classic Polaroid instant camera. If you have always liked this kind of camera, you will really like Pola. You only have to drag the photo to the application's interface and in a few seconds, your Polaroid photograph will appear.
Your photographs have a very original retro style
When you launch the application a Polaroid photograph will appear on your desktop. So that your images acquire that effect you have to drag them to Pola. A new window will appear with the photograph that you have chosen so that you can cut it to your own liking. Once you have chosen the part of the image that will appear, Pola shoots and will create the Polaroid.
Pola has various configurations: you will be able to choose between various models of Polaroid camera to take the photographs or the size of the resulting image. You also have various films to choose from: to obtain photographs with brown tones, blue tones that provide it with a more retro aspect or dark tones. And to complete the photograph you will be able to add remarks to the bottom of the photograph.
Requirements and additional information:
- This download requires that you have Java installed.

My name is Leticia. I really like movies, television, and music. That is why I studied Audiovisual Communication. In the beginning, I wanted to work in movies, but I ended up on television. Then, I went from being behind the cameras to being in...

Antony Peel