An app to automatically search for song lyrics
Imagine having all the lyrics of any song you listen to on your device without any kind of effort. You can do so thanks to QuickLyric, an Android app that recognizes the songs that are playing to instantly offer you the lyrics.
Automatic song recognition, just like Shazam
How it works is similar to Shazam: it identifies the song playing on your smartphone or tablet and downloads the lyrics without you having to do anything. It searches for the lyrics on different Internet sites (AZLyrics, MetroLyrics, LyricsFreak…). And it works for both MP3s and Spotify.
Enrich your music library without effort.
Obviously, it also allows the manual search for lyrics according to different criteria: song, artist or group, album... all the latter packed into an easy-to-use interface that simplifies how we use the application. And despite all its great features, you won't find the APK of QuickLyric on Google Play, so you'll have to download it straight to your device.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2.
- Offers in-app purchases.
- Instructions to install XAPKs on Android

With a degree in History, and later, in Documentation, I have over a decade of experience testing and writing about apps: reviews, guides, articles, news, tricks, and more. They have been countless, especially on Android, an operating system...

Antony Peel