Recover the information stored on damaged CDs and DVDs
Many times when a drive can't read a CD or DVD, this happens due to physical wear or an error in one of the sectors. In these cases, we can lose all the data that were stored on them, except is you use an application like Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier.
Recover data from damaged discs
Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier is, as its name indicates, an unstoppable data copier. Its objective is to scan any kind of storage disc to manage to copy the maximum information from damaged files that you thought you had lost due to physical damage.
To use the application all you have to do is select the unit that you want to scan in search of files and choose where you want to store the data, as a backup. When it comes to copying, we will be able to configure various parameters, such as skipping damaged files, copying the non-damaged files first, maintaining the attributes or the time and date, including subfolders, etc.
To recover the information from damaged discs, make a backup of the maximum information possible thanks to Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier.

¡Hi! I am Vanessa Martin, I like to travel, music, photography, and I am passionate about the Internet, as it is a great source of information where you can find everything you need. If it exists, it is on the Internet. Another of my great...

Antony Peel