Carry out a deep analysis of your network with this fantastic application
SoftPerfect Network Scanner is a portable application with which to be able to quickly, and fully, analyze all the computers that are connected to the same network.
Discover a great solution to analyze the PCs connected to your network
It is only necessary to input a range of IPs among which the program will start to search, once it has found all the computers that are connected to the same LAN, we will be able to see diverse data about each of the computers: MAC address, PING response time, TCP port and SNMP services.
It is possible to access the share data of each of the computers of the network, being able to download the files on our hard drive. Another of the noteworthy features of the program is to be able to activate computers by means of the Wake-On-LAN system.
The interface can be somewhat confusing for those users that don't have any experience in network management, thus not being a tool for people that are inexperienced in this field.

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