Manage all the game ROMs on your computer
If you have had more than one video game console over the years, it is very possible for you to have a full collection of ROM files on your hard drive as a backup of your games. To be able to manage these ROM files, the best thing is to have a program like Swift.ROM.
This program has been designed to be able to manage all the ROM files of Nintendo games on a hard drive. Swift.ROM detects and organizes all the games for NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), Game Boy and Nintendo DS that are stored on a computer.
Once it has located the ROM files, Swift.ROM will start to search on the Internet to find the cover slip and screen captures for each game. What's more, to make this application even better, it also includes various Nintendo video game console emulators, DeSmuMe and VisualBoyAdvance.
To make managing the files a lot easier, it allows you to mark those that you use most as favorites, and it also offers the possibility to create groups to be able to separate the games into different genres.
Therefore, if you want to manage the backups of your Nintendo games, download and install Swift.ROM, it is free.

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Antony Peel