You collection of free games
With Tiggit you can check a catalog with more than 300 free games and some demos, as well as being able to access their installation from the application.
More than 300 free games and some demos to have a good time.
Indie game distribution platform
Thanks to tools like Tiggit, the Indie game panorama can find a platform from which to become known by the users. Discover great quality free titles like Battle for Wesnoth, Super Mario War, Frogatto, Foobillard++, Scorched 3D, Secret Maryo Chronicles, Frets on Fire or PokerTH. All the games have been scored from 0 to 5 by the users.
Launch the games you install from Tiggit.
Tiggit options
Thus, from the Tiggit interface you will be able to access:
- Freeware games
- Demos
- The games you have installed
- News
Can't install Tiggit?
Tiggit doesn't install creating direct links, so once you have launched the tiggit-setup.exe file you will have to go to the installation folder (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tiggit) and launch the tiggit.exe application.
Download Tiggit free and access hundreds of games from this Indie game distribution platform.

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Scott McLure