Change your background wallpaper as many times as you want
Wally is an application that has been developed using the multiplatform Qt4 framework, and that allows you to change the background wallpaper as many times as you want because it is one of those programs that are known as desktop wallpaper “switches”.
The great difference between Wally and the rest of applications that carry out the same function is the possibility to view, not only the images that are stored on your PC but also thousands of photos downloaded from sites like deviantART, Picasa, SmugMug, Photobucket, Panoramio, and Flickr.
Main features
- Select the interval of time between one image and the next.
- Indicate the position of the wallpapers on your screen.
- Choose the kinds of transitions to be shown.
- Check the EXIF information of the photos.
- Only show images horizontally.
If you usually get fed up with your desktop's image, that's because you don't know Wally.

¡Hi! I am Vanessa Martin, I like to travel, music, photography, and I am passionate about the Internet, as it is a great source of information where you can find everything you need. If it exists, it is on the Internet. Another of my great...

Antony Peel