Distribution identical to Windows XP, perfect for beginners
One of the main problems that new users have always seen in Linux is its complicated interface and working mode. For people used to Windows, where everything works based on menus and "step-by-step" assistants, Linux is a territory devoted to terminals and code lines. That is why distributions (distros) like StartOS are so useful.
A Linux distro based on Ubuntu
This Linux distro is based on Ubuntu, something that offers certain security, furthermore, it includes OpenOffice.org and quite a few essential applications like UnRAR, Compiz Fusion with CCSM, Totem as a music player, Firefox with some essential complements like Flash, the Pidgin instant messenger client and, of course, GNOME totally reconverted by means of the vivid XP theme.
The pack of applications and system customizations resembles the original so much, that there comes a moment that we actually think that we are using Windows XP, it's even possible to install Windows applications thanks to Wine.

As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. I have done from software or mobile applications reviews...

Antony Peel