Network Tools for Windows

All the essential tools and utilities to be able to work with computer networks can be found in our category of network software for Windows PCs

Wifislax64 3.4 English

Distro to audit WiFi networks

Hamachi English

Tool to create virtual private networks

TeamViewer 15.63.5 English
TeamViewer 15.63.5

One of the best remote access apps for PC

Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2.2 English

Find out how a network behaves

Windows Fingerprint Unlock Module 1.2.0 English

Unlock your PC using your Android's fingerprint sensor

Psiphon 183 English
Psiphon 183

Tool to avoid Internet censorship and blockades

WiFi Analyzer English
WiFi Analyzer

Program to improve your WiFi signal

Baidu WiFi Hotspot English
Baidu WiFi Hotspot

Turn your PC into an Internet access point

Virtual Router Plus 2.6.0 English
Virtual Router Plus 2.6.0

Convert your PC into a virtual router

mHotspot English

Turn your computer into an Internet hotspot

NetCut 3.0.254 English
NetCut 3.0.254

Discover intruders on your WiFi network

WirelessKeyView 2.23 English

Save Wi-Fi network passwords

WiFi HotSpot Creator 2.0 English

Turn your computer into a router

WinPcap 4.1.3 English
WinPcap 4.1.3

Library pack for network managers

Connectify Hotspot 23 English
Connectify Hotspot 23

Turn your PC into a hotspot

My WiFi Router 3.0 English

Turn your PC into a WiFi hotspot

Virtual WiFi Router English

Share your connection with other devices

Ammyy Admin 3.10.0 English
Ammyy Admin 3.10.0

Control any computer remotely

Wi-Fi Inspector 2.0 English

Detect wireless networks in your area

WinBox 3.27 English
WinBox 3.27

Management software for MikroTik routers

Bluesoleil 10.0.498.0 English
Bluesoleil 10.0.498.0

Connect your Bluetooth devices to your computer

MyPublicWiFi 30.1 English

Share your Internet connection

Monect PC Remote 7.5.17 English

Control your PC from your Android

WiFi Password Revealer English

Recover forgotten Wi-Fi passwords

GFI LANguard 12.4 English

Check the vulnerabilities of your LAN network

Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.1.1149.0 English

Connect remotely to other PCs and work on them

Technitium MAC Address Changer 6.0.7 English

Change your network card's MAC

Tether English

Browse the Internet on your PC using your mobile data plan

Aircrack-ng 1.5.2 English

Find out the key of any Wi-Fi connection

Beini 1.2.5 English
Beini 1.2.5

Get the password of any WiFi network

Citrix Workspace English
Citrix Workspace

Access computers, applications and files remotely

NetSpeedMonitor English

Measure your Internet speed

AnyDesk 9.0.5 English
AnyDesk 9.0.5

Fast, safe and portable remote access

Chrome Remote Desktop 77.0.3836.0 English

Remote control via Chrome

NetStumbler 0.4.0 English

Configure and improve the use of Wi-Fi networks

Wifiway 3.4 English
Wifiway 3.4

The distro for network auditing

UltraViewer 6.2 English

Use other computers by remote controls

WirelessNetView 1.70 English

Detect Wi-Fi networks and view their features

Proxy Switcher Standard 6.5.0 English
Proxy Switcher Standard 6.5.0

Browse the web anonymously

Wireshark 4.4.4 English
Wireshark 4.4.4

Professional network analyzer

XShell 7.0.0077 English
XShell 7.0.0077

Have a virtual terminal emulator available

proXPN English

Protect your Internet connection

Apache HTTP Server 2.4.63 English

Install a powerful web server on your computer

Maryfi 1.1 English
Maryfi 1.1

Turn your computer into a Wi-Fi access point

WLAN Optimizer 0.21 Alpha English
WLAN Optimizer 0.21 Alpha

Optimize your Wi-Fi connection

Wireless Network Watcher 2.18 English

Control the status of your Wi-Fi network

I2P 1.6.1 English
I2P 1.6.1

Browse the Internet anonymously

AppServ 9.3.0 English
AppServ 9.3.0

Excellent software application to install a web server

Network Inventory Advisor 5.0.167 English

Control the software and hardware that connects to your networks

RouterPassView 1.90 English

Discover the router passwords that you have forgotten

UltraSurf 1.8.1 English
UltraSurf 1.8.1

Browse the Internet anonymously

Open Ports Scanner 2.50 English

Stay informed about which ports are open

Real Hide IP English
Real Hide IP

Hide you IP address from prying eyes

Exchange Server 2013 English

The perfect solution for corporate email

Fing 5.1.0 English
Fing 5.1.0

Scan and analyze your computer network

IPConfig 6.5.4 English
IPConfig 6.5.4

A graphical interface for the command of the same name

VNC Personal Edition 4.6.3 English
VNC Personal Edition 4.6.3

Access any PC remotely and with no security problems

Remote Desktop Control English

Allows a user to control any computer remotely

UltraVNC English

Control any PC remotely by means of the Internet

Air Display Connect 2.1.0 English

Use a second screen as a monitor for your Windows PC

inSSIDer English

Scan nearby Wi-Fi connections

Speedtest English

Put the speed of your connection to the test

Splashtop Remote Desktop English

Control anyother computer remotely

Nmap 7.91 English
Nmap 7.91

Easily audit your local network

SniffPass 1.13 English
SniffPass 1.13

Recover your lost passwords

Advanced IP Scanner 2.5.4594.1 English

Analyze the computers connected to your local network

Advanced Onion Router English

Browse the web anonymously with this Tor client

IP Hider 4.95 English
IP Hider 4.95

Browse the Internet with total anonymity

Magic NetTrace 3.0.2 English

Discover the route followed by your Internet connections

DU Meter 7.30 English
DU Meter 7.30

Comfortably control the speed of your network

DameWare NT Utilities 12.1.0 English

Allows network administrators to improve how they control PCs

SecureCRT 9.4.1 English
SecureCRT 9.4.1

Telnet emulator for the Internet and Intranet with SSH support

Supremo English

Remote control for Windows

USB Network Gate 8.0.1859 English

Connect USB devices to your PC remotely

Your Freedom 20200925-01 English
Your Freedom 20200925-01

Avoid censorship and protect your identity online

Mask Surf Pro 3.8 English
Mask Surf Pro 3.8

Browse the Internet anonymously

uTorrent English

Control the download of torrents from your browser

Easy Hide IP 4.7 English

Hide your IP address and your geographic location

Easy WiFi Radar 1.0.5 English

Detect Wi-Fi networks and connect to them without complications

Fiddler 5.0.20204.45441 English
Fiddler 5.0.20204.45441

Control and debug your Internet traffic

SoftPerfect Network Scanner 7.2 English

Carry out a deep analysis of your network with this fantastic application

NetworkMiner 2.4 English

Analyze passively the packets of your local network

No-IP 4.1.1 English
No-IP 4.1.1

Assign a name to your IP address

Bluetooth Remote Control 4.01 English

Remote control for your computer

RaidenFTPD 2.4.4050 English
RaidenFTPD 2.4.4050

Incredible FTP server for Windows

Simple DNS Plus 9.1.112 English

Create your own DNS server and increase your browsing speed

VNC 7.11.0 English
VNC 7.11.0

Control any computer remotely

Serv-U FTP Server 15.2.3 English
Serv-U FTP Server 15.2.3

Configure a very secure FTP server

outSSIDer 1.0 English

Search for and connect to open Wi-Fi networks

UpRight 1.2.2 English
UpRight 1.2.2

Upload files to Amazon S3

Find MAC Address 21.03 English

A simple way to find out MAC addresses

ThinRDP English

Access a computer remotely using HTML5

ThinVNC English

Access a remote computer

NetGhost 0.3 English

Define your IP for each WLAN that you connect to

OpenNX English

Remote access and desktop virtualization software

iTALC 2.0.2 English
iTALC 2.0.2

Remotely control the computers on a network

MyConnection Server 10.1f English

Obtain data about your network by means of this complete analyzer

NMapWin 1.3.1 English
NMapWin 1.3.1

Assess your network security by scanning ports

Packetyzer 5.0.0 English
Packetyzer 5.0.0

Packet capturer based on the Ethereal project

Active Search Engine 3.1.3 English

Install you own Web search engine on your server

Netretina EVO Server 7.0 English
Netretina EVO Server 7.0

Screen sharing utility to help your clients

Vedivi 2.1.463 English
Vedivi 2.1.463

Control your home PC from any other computer

NoMachine 8.12.13_1 English
NoMachine 8.12.13_1

Like the former NX client, but much more secure

ShowMyPC 3161 English
ShowMyPC 3161

Instant remote access to computers on the Internet

NET Traffic Meter 2.1.2567 English

A very good utility to monitor the traffic of your connection

Angry IP Scanner 3.8.2 English

Scan both IPs and port ranges

Hide IP 4.2 English
Hide IP 4.2

Maintaining your privacy is very simple with this program

AbsoluteTelnet 10.16 English

Connect to another computer by Telnet or SSH

Cerberus FTP Server 11.3.5 English

Install an FTP server on your computer

ArGoSoft Mail Server .NET English
ArGoSoft Mail Server .NET

Easily install an electronic mail server on any computer

Hermes EMail Server English

Efficient free email server

Mercury/32 4.80 English

Configure an mail server on your PC

Radmin English

Work on a remote computer as if it were in front of you

Exchange Server 2003 SP2 Service Pack 2 English
Exchange Server 2003 SP2 Service Pack 2

Second great pack of updates for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003

PuTTY 0.83 English
PuTTY 0.83

A terminal emulator to remotely access servers

FileZilla Server 1.9.4 English

Powerful FTP Server that's totally free

DynSite 1.13 English
DynSite 1.13

Automatically updates your dynamic IP, very useful for dynamic Internet connections

DAR-WIFI English

Program to share your WiFi network from a PC

WeFi English

Find the Wi-Fi points with the best coverage

Iris Network Traffic Analyzer English

A great state-of-the-art traffic analyzer

Open Garden 2.6.7 Beta English
Open Garden 2.6.7 Beta

Share the your devices' Internet signal

Zamzom Wireless Network Tool 1.0.0 English

Find out if someone is on your wireless network

Wibox 3.0 English
Wibox 3.0

Check the battery status and the signal of the Wi-Fi networks available